Saturday 28 January 2012

Free Zbrush Hair to Spline's plugin for 3D Max

'Wayne's Poly to Splines' 3D Max plug-in (Free)


Well as a personal thank you to all the zbrush users that were so positive about the mudbox videos and realised they are just as useful to them, and also didn't insult me or start ww3.... Here's a little thank you for those of you that use 3D Max. Its something I knocked out in an hour tonight that takes imported zbrush hair and converts it into splines so that they can be used with to comb max hair and fur. This of course gives you dynamics and opens the whole thing up to animation. Its single click and works fast...oh and free.

It operates in a single click and includes a very basic installation and usage PDF....if there are any spelling mistakes or typos don't blame me as I wrote the damn thing in 5 mins lol. As mudbox users have sort of had a monopoly on me of late I felt it would be a nice way to say thanks to the zbrush users who often get sidelined in my freebie releases.

I can't stick this on zb central as I've been banned for 'daring to use mudbox' now for over 3 1/2 years lol. So pass the word amongst yourselves as I cannot.

Thursday 26 January 2012

...and so it is done.

It's taken well over a week of uploading day and night on my slow rural internet connection and fitting it around constant client work, but all the DVD's I own copyright to are now available for free. Plus a few other videos that have either been lost over the years, spread in strange places no one but a few knew about or simply higher res versions.

There are many other videos I've done that as I don't own copyright I can't make free such as the 3d creative magazine ones I've done over the years (that could easily double this); and ones for 3D artist magazine coming up and of course the paid more recent FXPHD ones. But at over 46 1/2hours of free DVD's and videos isn't bad going for you all I think. I've no idea how much it would cost to buy them all...a fair bit though.

I do have one or two other things I want to still upload when I have time, but I'm going to take a well earned rest from uploading to the site for a while now. Let's not get this wrong this was a massive undertaking and one that has never been done before. No one has put their entire DVD back catalogue out for free..and certainly not on a very slow rural internet connection like I have. There are times over the last week I would have given my left nut for a faster upload speed. All videos have been uploaded with no help from anyone.... I don't think 3d palace wanted to kill their upload for a week lol.

There have been about 1% of predictable people with a problem, but to be frank I couldn't care less and neither could the vast majority of digital sculptors across the board of both Mudbox and Zbrush persuasion. This was not done for me, or them it was done to help people period. There's not even a proper back link to my main site on it lol.

So enjoy the videos and PLEASE remember they are not representative of my current standard of work as some are very old models that were used...even back then. Never say I don't do nice things for you all every now and again. ;) Now it's over to the rest of the industry and see if they can start and build on this idea of mine.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Currently as it stands right this moment there is over 43 hours of free DVD's and video tutorials of mine on all but 11 1/2 hours that I had totally forgotten about that I did for Filter Foundry a year back are direct links to the streaming video. The filter foundry videos (over 11/2 hours of it !) you do need to join up to filter foundry ....but the video s are free of mine.

There is still at least 2 DVD's I have to upload this week that will add even more serious time to the video content. That's assuming I don't come across any more videos I've forgotten about in the meantime..which I may well do. There are videos all over the internet that I've done over the years, many of which I have either lost track of , deleted or simply forgotten about or can't trace right now. So what's on MudboxLIVE is literally the tip of the iceberg of the videos I've put out.

I am humbled by the reaction to this crazy idea of mine. Its gone little bit viral and is very odd for me to see from the 'inside'. Although part of me finds it disturbing that more people have now seen stuff of mine that is years old than have seen my recent work lol. I do hope everyone bears in mind that a lot of the videos uploaded are very old and do not reflect what I can do as a tutor or an artist right now. The links to MudboxLIVE have been growing exponentially this week, and that just the ones I know be honest I haven't had time to check as I've been too busy.

I normally do not add links to my YouTube video blog to my site as to be honest its sort of my video diary and isn't meant to be taken particularly seriously, but the videos I upped a couple of days ago may explain why I've made all my back catalogue of DVD's available for free and how I personally see the whole thing.I should point out these YouTube videos are normally only intended for friends and are very not safe for work, there is swearing, rather a lot of it in fact. It is also in my 'raw' accent.

So as of right now I'm going to have the 1st day off of the year so far. I'm going to be doing some serious relaxing. Enjoy the videos.......