Saturday 25 March 2017

Nuke for 3D Artists Episode 4 - Depth of Field in Post

Here's the latest video in the Nuke for 3D artists series this time covering how to add depth of field in post inside of Nuke.

Here's the latest weekly video blog covering whats to come in the series.

Monday 20 March 2017

Nuke for 3D Artists Episode 3 - Multipass compositing

Episode 3 in Nuke for 3D artists covers how to create a basic multipass composite (in this case from V-Ray) in Nuke.  In a future episode we will be covering how to put together a far more complex multipass composite that allows a deeper level of control in post.

I've also started a weekly video blog that will cover development on the series and a few other things. Apologies for the sound in this one as I was using my camera on board mic instead of my good condenser.