Tuesday 31 March 2020

Making Another music video while in CornoaVirus lockdown... in 6 hours

Well here's another music video.This time I knocked it up in 6 hours yesterday using a load of public domain footage.  Now as a disclaimer, if I wasn't in lockdown (and actually had a small budget for this) this would have been done a LOT differently.  It was hard as hell trying to maintain a cohesive narrative structure to the video on this one using only what was public domain.... I think its doing fine till just before the halfway point if I was cirtisising myself on this.

It's a very old song that has no discernable author although it 1st surfaced in about 1929 having been coverd by Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway and even Hugh Laurie.  I have changed a number of the lyrics and all instruments, vocals recording, production and editing is mine.  

I personally think its a bit weaker than John the Revelator I put up the other day, but I am working within some pretty heavy restraints on these.  (Hey! Least I'm being honest!)  So will I do yet another one? Well to be honest I have nothing planned and it would ean going back over the hundreds of songs I've recorded over the last 30 odd years.

Basically it depends how bored I get.....