Tuesday, 13 December 2011

This Years Christmas Card

"Watch out!! because this year Santa's using AT-AT's to deliver the toys"

So here's this years xmas card I'm sending out to clients and friends, done as is my usual rule. My rule every year is to spend no more than 2 hours or so on it from top to bottom and everything must be 3D (Although I didn cheat a bit 2 years ago as I couldn't be arsed to make a santa sack full of toys lol). No cheating on this one...but also something a bit different for a Christmas card. (It also shows you can use mudbox for more than monsters and wrinkey old men).

So here's wishing a merry Christmas to you all and wishing you a very happy new year.

...and for the insanely curious the wireframe while I was working on it last night